Some of you might remember a favorite song of mine from the drama SungKyunKwan Scandal that I lamented of being left off of the OST, if you don’t it was this song from what was possibly one of the best clips from the drama early on.
Back in September when I originally posted the article, a commenter wizwidz had mentioned that the song was from a Korean indie rock musician named Tearliner and was called “Nabillera.” I did try looking up some information at that time, but wasn’t able to find much about the song.
Recently, I read about the release of a sort of fan made MV of the song that the musician Tearliner himself tweeted about. Check it out.
The YouTube user korea31146, also has a couple of other Tearliner songs with videos on their channel so, if you liked “Nabillera,” be sure to check it out.
If this music seems kind of familiar to you and you were a fan of the Kdrama Coffee Prince, you’re pretty good with your music. Tearliner was the Musical Director of the drama and his work in the drama brought about an increased interest in Korean Indie Rock. If you’re interested in learning more about Tearliner, I read a great article about his work in London Korean Links by the admin of a great little site I recently found devoted to K-indie called Indieful ROK. You can also learn more about Tearliner on his blog.