Rarely are we treated to a visual masterpiece such as Girl Hood’s “Honey, I Love You.” Like an onion, the video is one that is to be enjoyed in layers and will certainly bring a tear to one’s eye once you reach the climatic center. While some may say the the music video is awkward, bland, and down right boring, it is safe to say that those are the comments of those not willing to look beyond the surface to the true artistry from what is sure to be a powerhouse group within K-Pop. Made up of married women, the new group is here to explore the many themes and issues important to women that are no longer single party-goers, but have many different responsibilities weighing on their shoulders, many of which are placed there by society’s ever strict guidelines made for women.
Starting out, the video “finds” the women, giving us a brief introduction into their lives before seeing them transform into Girl Hood. Right away, the scene goes from one of color to one of black and white. In that scene alone, the video shows the colorless life that many Korean women lead when becoming mothers in lieu of their true hopes and dreams, from one world of color to the sometimes grey world of adulthood. As a group of women already labeled “ahjumma,” there are many ideals set upon them as mothers and wives.
While the video at first seems like a simple love song, the question must be asked: to whom is it that these women are speaking their love? The model, always silent and still, is their focus, but it soon becomes clear that he is not a representation of their spouses, but of the women’s former goals and dreams. While they do make contact with the male model for brief moments of time; like their dreams of stardom, they are forced to let them go with only the words of “Honey, I love you” as a parting gift to their former selves.
The dance is one that gives us an even deeper meaning into the mental anguish of these women. The cat-like hand gestures highlight how the women feel they have been domesticated like the house cat, yet still have their dreams lying below the surface the same as a house cat with its predatory natures. The superficial lyrics juxtaposed against the strong imagery show how, on the surface, these women quietly deal with their mundane lives but are full of complex and powerful dreams that are just waiting to be released and fulfilled.
Some say that this group is another that is leaning on a gimmick to gain attention, but I believe it is much deeper than that. “Girl Hood” is what they call themselves, not because they are trying to appear childish, but to remind the “ahjummas” of Korea of their former girlhood dreams, energy, and vigor. They, like many, still hold fond memories for their old selves and long to recapture them. Godspeed, women of Korea, and take hold of your dreams that you have been forced to put aside while Girl Hood serenades you to victory.
(Images via SC Entertainment, Youtube [1]