2 rounds down, 3 more to go!
The Wonder Girls come on top again with leader Sunye and maknae Sohee commanding 14% and 11% of the vote (how do you Wonderfuls keep doing it?!). While these ladies and their fellow survivors will be making it to this round, we’ll be saying goodbye to Kara’s Goo Hara, 4Minute’s Hyuna, G.Na, SNSD’s Hyoyeon, and T-ara’s Eunjung. But no worries, we still have plenty of ladies left in the running and plenty of opportunities for YOU to vote!
While last week may have been based off if presentability, this week we’re asking you to vote off of marketability. Which of these lovely ladies below can market their group and themselves into our pockets, minds, and hearts? While we love all our idols, it is no secret that there are those idols who are better at advertising their group than others. Which one of these gals does it the best for you?
Only 10 ladies will be able to continue to the next round so as always vote carefully!
And as a friendly reminder: this is a no-troll zone. But feel free to spam away in the comments section!