During the server meltdown that was SB earlier this week, we also missed the premiere of Jay Park‘s first foray back to singing on the KPOP scene with his MV for “Abandoned”:

I think the video is extremely well-executed (looks like Jay really does have some serious Sidus $$ coming his way and poured into him), but for some reason I just feel that there is somewhat of a disconnect between the song and the video. The MV is too slick for the relatively simple sounding song. (And perhaps for the relatively simple, straightforward style I’m used to seeing from Jay?)


In fact, I actually prefer Jay’s unofficial english “MV” that he just uploaded today to his Youtube account:

I love that it’s so much more personable–it literally looks like Jay woke up, read fan comments on Youtube wanting to hear it in English and decided, “What the heck-I’ve got a little time to kill this morning.” (Also, I love his hat hair. Or is that bedhead?! Heheheh)


And, if you’ve followed my 2PM blogging since their debut, you know that I’ve always liked Jay (and his ex-groupmates) most at their goofiest, most un-censored. So this tugs at my little heartstrings just a little. Plus, I think it’s really cool when celebs listen to the wants of their fans and provide- although we don’t ever expect it, it is all the nicer when we get it. And c’mon- how cool is it that he actually wants to hear fan covers?! D’awwww.

Any thoughts on Jay’s return and “Abandoned”? And if you cover the song, post a link below!

