It was Aristotle who said “The whole is greater than the sum of its parts.” Obviously, Aristotle didn’t know anything about K-pop, but maybe he was on to something. The beauty of K-pop is it ability to adapt genres for all audiences. Differing concepts can be found to fit any preference. Whether you like the bad boys or fairy girls, you can find a group to suit your needs. And even if the group as a whole isn’t your style, you can find a member who’s personality speaks to you.
That’s where this mixtape comes in. Most groups tend to stick to a certain image, but luckily, they break off into sub- and special units to give fans a taste of a different sound. In some cases, the units not only bolster the original group’s popularity, but become forces to reckon with in their own right. The parts, in this case, make the whole that much better, being able to bring in a whole new subset of fans. Without further ado, I present this mixtape, in honor of all the subunits and special units that elevate their groups to the next level.
Due to some tracks being unavailable on Spotify, there are a few honorable mentions here: 2Yoon‘s “24/7,” uBeat‘s “Should Have Treated You Better,” T-ara N4‘s “Jeon Won Diary,” and Troublemaker‘s “Troublemaker.”
So what are your favorite songs by a unit? Add on to the playlist in the comments below!