After completing a successful run on Mnet’s Queendom, the ever-so sexy and talented group AOA followed up with a comeback with “Come See Me” and sixth mini-album “New Moon.” This November comeback marks their first return as a five-member group, following the departures of vocalists Mina and Choa. Despite these changes, AOA has succeeded in cementing their own color and longevity amidst ever-changing scenery. After all, the industry competitive and fast-paced as it is can be cold in how quickly it “drops” certain artists who lose their momentum. With the boost of new fans from Queendom, AOA kept the ball rolling with a catchy track and great MV to wrap up the fall.
Weapons, alluring gazes, and the consistent color-theme of red and black make for a mature, rebellious concept this time around. Meanwhile, the infusion of medieval weapons with a surreal moon and modern drones make for a timeless space that encompasses the scope of AOA’s career.
Throughout the MV, various members are seen wielding weapons that ultimately aim towards cameras – which represent the media and its attentive eyes. Cameras are considered the vessel of the public eye, as with this one instrument, an endless amount of people can view one person. The close proximity, scrutiny, and toxic environment are from what the members dually attempt to both attack and escape.

Viewers see Jimin wielding a sword, Seolhyun aiming with an arrow, Hyejeong grabbing a gun, and more – as well as Seolhyun running away from a drone with Yuna. By the end, Yuna – now freed and reunited with her girls – turns around to knock down one last remaining drone. Freedom is clearly the essence of the MV’s storyline, in more ways than one. It’s interesting to see that the members take both offensive and defensive stances in their attempt to escape though, in the end, they claim their agency with both weapons and teamwork.
Moreover, midway through the MV viewers see Jimin crumpling up a pretty pink rose. This flitting action reflects the moral of the plot: to do away with crafted perfection and expectations. This scene further serves as a turning point from what Chanmi holds: a gleaming moon captured in a small bottle. This can allow various interpretations, based on what is emphasized. If solely viewing the bottle, it can come to depict the moon – an element normally free in the skies – is viewed as a convenient, pretty package. Or, if viewing the full moon, it can reflect the idea of completion: the peak of clarity and growth. If it is the latter, Chanmi showing the moon represents a turning point for the members as they ultimately break free.

In regards to the conceptual framework, the song’s reception is clearly also crucial. Since Queendom provided a pivotal reboot for the group’s branding, the following comeback would have to successfully build on the opportunity provided. Usually, taking a step forward requires adopting a more mature concept and sound, which AOA thankfully delivered. Although AOA retained their sexy side, everything from their attire to overall presentation shows a more mature image altogether. Jimin also experimented by delivering her verses in more so song than rap, though long-time fans still enjoyed her repeated ‘hey’s. And, the transition from the verses strayed away from the trending instrumental drops to provide a full, catchy chorus! Which fully worked to the song’s benefit, as well as AOA’s.

Likewise, the camera work managed to successfully capture the girls’ splendor and choreography. Though the plot was a bit scattered upon first glance, there was a good balance of individual shots, group shots, and MV scenery. Furthermore, it was interesting to see the MV showcase duo shots sprinkled throughout – shows both girl power and eye candy for fans to enjoy. On a closer glance, viewers can witness AOA’s overall mood subtly go from determined and charismatic, towards satisfied and free (notwithstanding their smiles during the choreo, of course).
Essentially, “Come See Me” has cemented AOA’s ongoing future as they enjoy their seventh year – a mark that has unfortunately meant a dead-end for many others. They’re still here to stay as five hardworking members today, full of potential and the backing of many newer and older Elvis alike.
(YouTube; Images via FNC Entertainment)