For the past few years, Suzy has been focusing so much on her acting career that it might even come as a surprise to some that she is also a singer. While Suzy originally debuted in a girl group whose focus was on their dancing skills, she has taken a different approach to her solo music. Her last two singles, “Cape” and “Satellite” introduced the audience to a more understated side of her musical abilities.

Now, with this comeback, it is clear that soft-spoken ballads are her signature style as a soloist. In addition to the difference in musical style, the MVs follow suit with simplistic concepts that still manage to convey the overall theme of the song. In the case of “Come Back,” the MV uses color to create a melancholic tone and bring forth the voice’s sorrowful message. 

The MV for “Come Back” is subtle in its storytelling, but manages to get the plot across beautifully using a simple technique. Normally, black and white scenes are used to indicate the past; in the case of this MV, it is used to signify the present. The monochromatic segments signify a moody tone of Suzy’s persona who is lamenting the absence of a lover. In addition to the lack of color in the scenes, Suzy’s persona is seen lying down, sleeping, and staring at a laptop. The low energy of her persona further adds a sense of sadness to the tone.

The monochromatic segments are meant to contrast with the colored scenes that show a different side to the persona. The colored parts are high-energy, with Suzy usually performing an activity like cleaning, cooking, and even dancing. The filming technique is also shaky with a retro filter that indicates she is being filmed by someone else in the room. This is further supported by the way Suzy smiles at the camera which implies she is with her romantic partner. As such, the colored scenes are in the past, when Suzy’s persona was happy in love, and the black and white scenes indicate the present now that her partner is gone. Overall, it is a simple concept but it properly conveys the lamentable lyrics of the song:

Come back to me, like a child
Even if you’re always a step slower, it’s okay
Come back to me, like a fairytale
We can be happy for a long, long time

Suzy handles the notes softly, even with the higher notes. It gives the melody a mellow and relaxing tone, despite the lyrics being of desperation. The song’s melody stays fairly consistent in tone throughout the song, but it does end with Suzy’s vocalizations which helps the song feel like the ending was not too abrupt. A bridge could have elevated the intenseness of the song’s message but otherwise, it is still a beautiful yet simple song. 

While previously Suzy was known for her pop bops with catchy lyrics, she is now more focused on the message of the song. The choreography of her MVs was also once a key focus, and while I am sure she can still dance, it is notable that she has not participated in a comeback stage since her album, Holiday. Instead, this MV is meant to tell a story and add further emotion to the lyrics of the song. While no one knows what the future holds, Suzy’s K-pop idol life might be a thing of the past, as she continues to deliver ballads with in-depth lyrics. 

(Youtube. Lyrics via Genius. Images via Management Soop.)