Tell me the taste ain’t good to ya
You know the taste is real
Girl you can search the world for better love
The lilting opening lines of Baekhyun’s “Pineapple Slice” quickly establish three things: This song is catchy as hell, this song is going to go heavy on the taste metaphors, and it’s really, really nice to have Baekhyun and his velvety voice back after more than three years. Newly independent from longtime company SM Entertainment, and with his military service in the rearview mirror, this release represents the start of a significant new chapter.
That being said, “Pineapple Slice” (and EP Hello, World) don’t stray too far from the stylistic trademarks of Baekhyun’s solo career so far. That’s not a bad thing by any means; Baekhyun’s past releases saw great success for good reason. Still, it does mean that some of this comeback’s strengths and weaknesses feel awfully familiar, a simultaneously comforting and frustrating maintenance of the status quo.
On the good end, it’s hard to find any musical fault with “Pineapple Slice.” An instant earworm, the song features a fantastic bassline, lush production, and of course, Baekhyun’s versatile and rich vocals. Lyrically, “Pineapple Slice” is a bit cheesy, but in a playful way that’s totally suitable for a fun end-of-summer pop song:
Anyone else will be boring
You’ll fall for my sweetness, go crazy
Callin’ me extra sweet, Callin’ me extra sweet
Just one bite
Pineapple slice of me
Where the song falters more is in its MV. To be fair, “Pineapple Slice” is an improvement on Baekhyun’s previous track record of ill-fitting or paint-by-numbers efforts. There’s a clear concept here (modern day vampire; I told you the taste metaphor would be back!) and some of the execution is solid.
In particular, the MV’s opening minute and a half is positively delightful, with Baekhyun taking on the role of a cheeky vampire roaming around his gothic mansion. There are a lot of mischievous details in this first section, like the fang-shaped bite taken out of an apple, and a telepathic powers-assisted get-ready-with-me sequence. Most importantly, the tone of these scenes is fun-loving, and this plays into Baekhyun’s natural charms to a tee. Even when the chorus sees the mood shift thanks to a sultry dance sequence, the camerawork, and editing lend credibility to a sexier Baekhyun persona that has historically fallen flat in many MVs and performances.

Unfortunately, no good thing lasts forever. The back half of the MV is a much weaker creature, with more brooding (boo), a shoe-horned in female lead (boo), and a weaker-by-comparison final dance sequence (boooo!). It’s also worth noting that as much potential as the vampire concept has, it’s a slight mismatch overall for the song and its lyrics, and that combined with the MV’s patchy execution makes for a mediocre final product.
Nevertheless, “Pineapple Slice” has some really excellent elements, and does represent a slight step forward for Baekhyun in his solo career trajectory. With Hello, World already breaking personal records, there’s no doubt that Baekhyun is just getting started. For now, “Pineapple Slice” is a strong reminder of his signature strengths and a tantalizing taste of potential evolution to come.