The survival show has become a staple of the K-pop world. In a landscape that thrives on competition and popularity, it’s easy to see why there’s a draw. Potential members vie for spots in upcoming groups, chosen by either their company’s CEO, the whims of an audience, or, in some cases, a combination of both. It can be thrilling entertainment, full of drama and emotional twists and turns.

Only the strong survive the fires of a survival show. Just look back at any episodes of Produce 101 (either season), YG’s Mix and Match, or No. Mercy. It’s through hard work, luck, and an artist’s appeal to the fans that they manage to secure a spot in a group that will hopefully be topping the charts. This SB Mixtape is dedicated to those who groups who survived the rigorous ordeal of a survival show and came out as a group.


As JYP artists aren’t on Spotify, this list was also meant to include Stray Kids and Twice. Are there any other groups formed through survival shows that you would add?