…my heart, that is. And what could possibly be making my heart palpitate thusly?
These photos of YGE’s sunbae Se7en and Big Bang hoobae Taeyang taking a break from all the performances, traveling and work-by battling via video games, that’s what!

Who do you think is winning? In terms of hair height, all I know is Se7en has got some extra inches on Taeyang.

And in terms of muscles, I think little Taeyang definitely wins-looks like Se7en needs to hit the gym with his hoobae!
Awww I love that they can take the time to hang out and relax together!! Also, how cute are they, and how much would you give to be there playing with them?! ;) Be still my beating heart!!!
** I apologize for the raging fangirl in me- it’s been a long Monday!