Great Guys, a nine-member boy group under DNA Entertainment, have recently made a comeback with the MV “Run” and a mini-album, We’re Not Alone_Chapter2: You&Me. It is a continuation from We’re Not Alone_Chapter1: It’s You. The MV for “Run” does not seem to have a clear theme or storyline, but instead suggests a mysterious romance between two lovers running towards a common goal or destination. While it is visually attractive, complete with flashes and dimly lit nighttime dances, the MV relies heavily on visual appeal while neglecting lyrical complexity and dancing synchronicity.
Oftentimes running is used as a metaphor for dedication or desperation, but in this MV running represents something more sinister. The overall tone of the MV is brooding and seductive. Rather than a knight showing his love by running into danger for their lover, Great Guys sing of a madness-driven desire to run “to the sky” together with their lover. As bizarre as the lyrics “runnin’ to the sky” and “baby go loco” sound, the tone subverts the normal hero trope into something darker and more coercive. This seems to be the general idea being conveyed but the ad nauseum repetition and a lack of clarity leave much to be desired lyrically.
This suggestive sentiment is reinforced through the music, which is a mix of pop and metal influences reminiscent of basically anything by Dreamcatcher. The sonic variety is refreshing because it feels like few groups have experimented with this particular subgenre. It fits the ominous tone of the song and makes it stand out from other recent releases, especially considering pop-centric, lighter sounds often associated with summer. Something interesting to point out musically is the sudden metric modulation in the second verse rap. When paired with the gravelly sound of the rappers’ voices, it makes for an attention-grabbing moment in the song, made more evident by a visual shift from day to night.

OK, so let’s talk choreography. While it does fit the character of the song, the camera angles and lack of synchronicity make the group shots unrefined and distracting. The members have obvious ability and hard work on display, but even in the dance practice video, the members do not appear to be in sync. They are very small details like angles of hands and transitions to new formations, but it kills the tone the song is attempting to convey.
The camera work also does them no favors, unfortunately. Most of the shots look organic, with natural lighting and outdoor scenery. While the scenes are beautiful, the movement of the camera, the low wide-pan camera angles, and the brightly lit background exacerbate the discrepancies in the group’s dancing. In all likelihood, the members could be fatigued, especially filming in the blazing hot sun and thick black clothing, but the fact that no one noticed when directing or editing is alarming. The movements seem to be somewhat difficult, but not more so than other groups with similar amounts of experience. This is not to say that the choreography is bad.
Overall, the group does a decent job of communicating the ambiance of the MV. Their facial expressions are almost too dramatic because the members are trying so hard. They likely just need more practice, guidance, or inventive editing to compete with other groups in the mainstream. With the industry becoming increasingly oversaturated, it is no longer enough to just have killer production value and visuals with mediocre dancing.

Overall “Run” showcases good visuals and some unique musical elements but falls short in lyrics and choreography. Great Guys have potential, but this MV leaves much to be desired, especially for a veteran idol comeback. The group has received a lukewarm reception by the public as of yet, so here is to hoping they step it up (and their editors do too) in the future.
(YouTube [1][2], Oxford Dictionary of Music, Images via DNA Entertainment)